Get Trending with your Social Media

7 Easy Steps to Increase Social Traffic

Here are our seven best tips for getting more social engagement and social traffic in 2019.

1. Install a Facebook Customer Chatbot

Have you ever noticed those little chat widgets that pop up near the bottom of a website?

You can take that to the next level by using the Facebook Messenger Website widget. 

Functionally it’s not dissimilar from the way normal web chat works. But it has one added bonus, every time a customer chats with you, they have to opt in to Facebook Messenger communications. 

That means that you now have another Facebook messenger contact that you can send messages to later down the road! Great!

If you want to know more about how Facebook Messenger marketing works, drop us a line.

2. Add Your Social Media Accounts to Your Website

Having social icons that link out to your social media channels is an easy way to broadcast your social media channels to your website visitors.

Ideally, you’ll be able to add them prominently above the fold, so it’s impossible for visitors to miss them.

Don’t forget to link to your social media icons. This is quite obvious this day and age, but still surprising how many websites don’t do it. Ideally they’ll need to take a prominent position above the fold.

3. Media Enable content to be easily shared onto social media

This one is important.

You might be wondering why is no one sharing my content? We get plenty of website visitors but hardly any content being shared!
That’s because you probably haven’t made it easy enough for them to share.

Add a button to every bit of content that says ‘Share this’ to your website visitors. When you make it easy to share your content on social media, people will be far more likely to share it.

4. Enable Comments

Make sure comments are enabled on your content. It allows users to directly interact with you directly on your site. The comments section of popular posts can hold great discussions.
You might need to make sure you have a way to filter out spam and junk comments.

5. Make Sure Your Content Looks Good When Shared on Social

Making it easy for users to share is important, but there is a next step beyond this.

You have to also make sure the content will look good once a user tries to share it. There has probably been a time when you’ve shared some content on Facebook only to find the thumbnail is missing or the wrong size.

I’d bet you stopped right there and didn’t share it.

It’s important to ensure that when someone does share your content it looks exactly like you’d want it to and intend it to look.

Mark up the Open Graph tags with a super-clickable headline and attention-grabbing image that fits the proper dimensions of each network.
Make sure you mark up the Open Graph tags with a great headline and an attention grabbing image, that is the right dimensions for each network.

6. Add Click-to-Tweets Throughout Your Content

If you’ve never heard of a click-to-tweet, it’s a neat little tool that allows you to handcraft tweets featuring little snippets from a piece of content, like one line or a great quote.

Odds are you might not have heard of this one. Click-to-tweet is a nifty little tool that enables you to craft tweets featuring snippets from a piece if content, such as shareable one liners or a great quote.

When you add click-to-tweets in your content, it makes it easy for readers to post a great tweet for their feed without even having to think about it, you’ve already done most of the work for them.

7. Have a Social Login

If you want to embrace social media to the full, then go ahead an incorporate a social login to your website and increase membership and participation on your website. 

Giving your users benefits to joining your website through their social media account will encourage them to do so.  This also means that you are setting up your paid advertising audience on Facebook as you’ll know exactly which profiles relate to which customers.  

You can always get in touch with us to discuss your social media or digital marketing strategy. Just click the live chat icon to the right ——–> We are a friendly Derby based marketing agency and would be happy to discuss your social or digital goals.

Get Trending with your Social Media

The Breakout of Social Media

Since the popular breakout of mobile phones, social media has become a huge part of a consumer’s life. Having access to the world’s literature and endless hours of entertainment at your fingertips, social media is the key to keeping up with trends, friends and the Kardashians.

With this social craze sweeping the world it is vital you advertise your business amongst the ideal customer persona you have created. But how do you target these people?

One online tool we at GetBranded use is hashtagify. A website which allows you to look into the most popular hashtags. Using this you can really optimise and shape your content to ensure it is visible to those interested in your business.

How does social media affect SEO?

A lot of people don’t realise the importance of social media when it comes to SEO. Social media provides a backlink to your website. Most social media platforms are considered reputable sources. This includes Facebook or YouTube and can be the difference between ranking higher than your competition.

Social media also provides regular content. If you link the content on your social media to your website then this will provide more backlinks. If traffic then flows through your social posts you will gain reputability.

In order to really spike your SEO ten fold you will need to increase the amount of traffic coming through your social media channels. How do you increase social traffic? You can read our new blog  7 easy steps to increase social traffic

Why use video content over regular content? Does it make a difference?

People aren’t as easily entertained by pictures, links and buttons. Your content needs to be informative, shiny, fresh and even animated. Video content and GIFs are a great way to engage with your audience. It catches their attention and keeps them watching your content for longer. Just think… how many times have you been in the office, maybe it’s a slow day, and you find yourself watching a 10-minute video on plastic in the ocean… yeah me neither.

82% of Twitter users watch video content. YouTube has over a billion users which equates to almost a 3rd of total internet users (source). I personally watch around 2 hours of YouTube daily. This includes tutorials, gaming videos and even random junk that’s recommended to me.

Every teenager these days is a YouTuber and the genius thing is, these people are gathering millions of subscribers. They are seen as advertisers or influencers. Read our guide to influencer marketing here.

  • 78% of people watch online videos every week. 55% view online videos every day. (HubSpot)
  • By 2020, online videos will make up more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic (85% in the US) (Cisco)
  • YouTube is the second most trafficked site, after Google. (Alexa)
  • One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. (Forrester Research)
  • Users view more than 500 million hours of video each day on YouTube. (Business Insider)
  • 55% of people pay close attention when consuming videos (HubSpot) – Source

Use icons responsibly, social icons are acceptable

With the huge growth of icons and with people identifying actions with these icons. Having social icons on your website can be great for building a social following. The consumers already engaging with your website are obviously warm leads. Having seen what you offer so getting them to engage with your social media should be easier than those who haven’t heard of you.

Use social icons on your website and link them to your social channels to see the difference you could make!

With tips on how to not abuse the amount of icons and distract from what you want consumers to see, visit here