Get Trending with your Social Media

7 Easy Steps to Increase Social Traffic

Here are our seven best tips for getting more social engagement and social traffic in 2019.

1. Install a Facebook Customer Chatbot

Have you ever noticed those little chat widgets that pop up near the bottom of a website?

You can take that to the next level by using the Facebook Messenger Website widget. 

Functionally it’s not dissimilar from the way normal web chat works. But it has one added bonus, every time a customer chats with you, they have to opt in to Facebook Messenger communications. 

That means that you now have another Facebook messenger contact that you can send messages to later down the road! Great!

If you want to know more about how Facebook Messenger marketing works, drop us a line.

2. Add Your Social Media Accounts to Your Website

Having social icons that link out to your social media channels is an easy way to broadcast your social media channels to your website visitors.

Ideally, you’ll be able to add them prominently above the fold, so it’s impossible for visitors to miss them.

Don’t forget to link to your social media icons. This is quite obvious this day and age, but still surprising how many websites don’t do it. Ideally they’ll need to take a prominent position above the fold.

3. Media Enable content to be easily shared onto social media

This one is important.

You might be wondering why is no one sharing my content? We get plenty of website visitors but hardly any content being shared!
That’s because you probably haven’t made it easy enough for them to share.

Add a button to every bit of content that says ‘Share this’ to your website visitors. When you make it easy to share your content on social media, people will be far more likely to share it.

4. Enable Comments

Make sure comments are enabled on your content. It allows users to directly interact with you directly on your site. The comments section of popular posts can hold great discussions.
You might need to make sure you have a way to filter out spam and junk comments.

5. Make Sure Your Content Looks Good When Shared on Social

Making it easy for users to share is important, but there is a next step beyond this.

You have to also make sure the content will look good once a user tries to share it. There has probably been a time when you’ve shared some content on Facebook only to find the thumbnail is missing or the wrong size.

I’d bet you stopped right there and didn’t share it.

It’s important to ensure that when someone does share your content it looks exactly like you’d want it to and intend it to look.

Mark up the Open Graph tags with a super-clickable headline and attention-grabbing image that fits the proper dimensions of each network.
Make sure you mark up the Open Graph tags with a great headline and an attention grabbing image, that is the right dimensions for each network.

6. Add Click-to-Tweets Throughout Your Content

If you’ve never heard of a click-to-tweet, it’s a neat little tool that allows you to handcraft tweets featuring little snippets from a piece of content, like one line or a great quote.

Odds are you might not have heard of this one. Click-to-tweet is a nifty little tool that enables you to craft tweets featuring snippets from a piece if content, such as shareable one liners or a great quote.

When you add click-to-tweets in your content, it makes it easy for readers to post a great tweet for their feed without even having to think about it, you’ve already done most of the work for them.

7. Have a Social Login

If you want to embrace social media to the full, then go ahead an incorporate a social login to your website and increase membership and participation on your website. 

Giving your users benefits to joining your website through their social media account will encourage them to do so.  This also means that you are setting up your paid advertising audience on Facebook as you’ll know exactly which profiles relate to which customers.  

You can always get in touch with us to discuss your social media or digital marketing strategy. Just click the live chat icon to the right ——–> We are a friendly Derby based marketing agency and would be happy to discuss your social or digital goals.


4 key marketing trends of 2019

When constructing the annual marketing plan in it is important to identify what is working currently with local and global trends and what is dated. With print becoming a thing of the past, how can you truly be sure that your marketing is budget isn’t being wasted on dead projects.

2019 is the year of all things digital

What is working in 2019?

Voice search marketing

So, what is working in 2019 thus far? Well we all know that voice search is becoming extremely common. Smart phones have the function to simply tap the microphone and start talking to Google. Businesses need to base their keywords on speech content rather than writing content. Consumers won’t speak the way they would write a paragraph. They may say “Derby FC kick off time” or “directions to Nottingham”. It wouldn’t be written “what is the best way to avoid traffic when heading to Nottingham”. That term is far too long and generally people keep their voice search terms short and direct.

Augmented reality - interactive experience

Augmented reality, almost a tech punch from the future which is hitting the industry right now. Consumers are now able to choose shoes by viewing them on their feet… through their camera lens! AR is used in gaming, retail, design and even architecture. Creating an app for your business that uses AR may not be appropriate currently but it’s definitely a way to stand out and something to consider in the future.

Content Marketing, the right way

Content marketing, we say this on near every blog. Content is key and will really shape your SEO and encourage quicker growth. When using your blog tools, you need to ensure the content you are writing is top quality. Use images, videos and internal links to create a spiderweb of content throughout your website. What do your audience want to read? Focus on key topics in the industry. Get your social media consistent, hashtags relevant and use targeted email campaigns to engage with your customers.

Influencers in 2019, utilising their reach

Influencer marketing, we have touched on this time and time again. Influencers in 2019 are becoming the biggest trend. The alteration in advertising law hasn’t stopped these Instagram promotions even with the #ad being present on all posts. Use BuzzSumo or similar to find key figures in your industry to really maximise the reach of your products.

see our guide to influencer marketing here

FYRE fest
Get Trending with your Social Media

Social Media Trends for 2019

Social media is always evolving, like every other digital platform. New trends, ideas and unspoken rules are always popping up.

For the most part, these changes are slowly introduced and quite predictable. I think no one was surprised to see Google + shut down for example.

In this post we will share a few of the trends set to dominate social media marketing in 2019.

Social monitoring

Social Media

Social monitoring (listening) is when a brand actively looks around the web and social media platforms to find all mentions of that brand or any keywords they want to keep an eye on.

It includes untagged brand mentions on social media, the monitored keywords that signal the interest to buy a product, mention on blogs, in the news and on forums. The primary goal of social listening is to provide customer service and maintain reputation. Of course there are many others but these are the big two.

The real development comes from the trend in 2019 to use social media listening for lead generation and social selling. Only a very few number of brands do this but the number is rising as more and more realise the potential of offering products/services to those who precisely need it at that moment on social media.

Given that people are actively sharing their frustrations, ideas, and recommendations on social media, social listening usage will continue to grow, and expand to include new possibilities.

Live Video Content

Video content has become the most consumed form of content on the internet and some experts say that nearly 80% of content we consume online will soon be video.

This is especially true for live videos. Having always been popular on YouTube, the trend has now taken over Facebook and Instagram, to the point when we get notified when someone is going live.

The authenticity of live videos make then more attractive. People pay less and less notice to posts that are obviously sales. People pay more attention to posts that look real, like they have been posted by a real person, meaning live videos tend to appeal to that side of social media users. Live videos raise the perceived trustworthiness and relevance of a brand. It is definitely a trend you don’t want to ignore.

It goes without that you should deliver exciting and engaging content, just as you would on a blog or anywhere else, but we’ll mention this anyway, just in case.

The main reason why video is getting more and more popular is the ease of filming, and even on a rather good production level.  Whilst some audience can be forgiving, the risks of spontaneous live video is that things can go wrong on the technical side. Live streams that cut out due to technical issues are a big no-no, it only serves to embarrass the brand.



Social media influencers have become a major trend over the last few years. With the birth of Instagram stars, Twitter influencers and YouTube millionaires. Their every post, vlog or tweet is seen instantly by millions of people, TV makers can only dream of similar exposure. The power of social media influencers cannot be ignored. You can read more on what we think about Influencers over here.

As the number of social media influencers has grown over time, so has the prices for their services. This has lead business to look for alternatives in the form of micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers exist in every single marketing niche. They typically have following sof fewer than 10,000 people but their followers are engaged and genuinely interested in what they have to talk about. Micro-influencers have a much lower reach, but are generally considered to be the experts in their niche.

They typically won’t have existing contracts or deals as they aren’t massively targeted by advertisers at the moment. On the whole they’ll be trustworthy and down to earth individuals. The marketing possibilities when utilising micro-influencers in your niche could be well worth the investment in 2019.


With the vast amount of information being uploaded every single day it’s becoming easier and easier to get insights into information about your audience sitting behind the screen. This has opened the doors to all sorts of personalisation, which has, in turn, increased consumer expectation for the same.

Content, products, emails – all of it is currently based on the consumer’s purchase history, clicked links, social media posts, and alternative behaviour., as an example, notifies you regarding deals within the locations you’ve been to, Netflix offers shows to watch based on your tastes, Amazon and eBay show products similar to those you’ve bought before. And this is often before you even think about Google and Facebook – they know a lot about us and use this info to form a personalised experience.

While there are some who shudder at the thought of big brother watching everything you do, there are  benefits of personalised marketing for the consumer which isn’t something they’re about to give up any time soon.

It’s been said around 96% of marketers believe personalisation advances the relationship with customers. Whilst they might be concerned about privacy, they still appreciate being offered product suggestions they’ve been searching for as well as deals for their local shops.


The almost immediate future of marketing is real-time communication. The social media trends in marketing are the 24/7 customer support, real-time social selling, chatbots, and constant monitoring for a potential social media crisis.

Real time communication is so important for companies on social media. This is because customers continue to use products, talk about brands and buy new items at every given moment. This has been happening for a while, but the technology curve and business change rate hasn’t caught up – until now. We have tools to search for keywords relating to your customers, tools to schedule content at all hours of the day and chat bots that can offer immediate help based on your customers most common questions.

2019 will see customers expecting their complaints and messages to be replied to instantaneously, and most likely won’t get surprised when you comment straight away on their post about a fault with a competitors product offering yours as the alternative.

This is now the world we live in where connectivity and convenience is driving marketing technology. People want their problems solved and their needs met, now.


GetBranded cannot wait for these trends to become more significant in 2019, and start to utilise them more and more for our clients.  


Guide to influencer marketing in 2019

With the birth of social media came a pool of people who used these platforms to build a big presence and following. During the buying process many people will look for testimonials from those they aspire to look like, be like or feel they are similar too. If an influencer you followed was in TOWIE you would trust their reviews of fake tan or teeth whitening kits because these reality stars are extremely focused on looks. YouTube sensation and influencer Zoella grew from the video platform when her lifestyle and beauty blog began to go viral. If she recommends a makeup brand, women all over the country will listen. 

Influencers are responsible for 11x more ROI than banner ads...

What the law says

The legality surrounding influencer marketing has changed toward the end of 2018 with influencers now having to disclose whether a post has been encouraged financially by a business. In other words, if you offer an individual or individuals with a large following an amount of money to promote your product, they will have to clarify this in their description. As part of the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) you are now required to put #spon or #ad amongst your regular hashtags. 

ASA logo advertising standards agency

What you need to note as a marketeer or business!

Firstly, do you work with multiple influencers? If so, you should know that if a product has been ‘gifted’ and the influencer hasn’t had to pay for the item then they will need to disclose that with their following. This could make for a pretty awkward situation if one influencer has had to purchase your product and another hasn’t. 

Are you starting from fresh? You should consider using influencer tools to identify key trend setters in your market. Your influencer needs to be relevant to the market you are targeting. Icons such as Katy Perry aren’t going to suit your gardening business so finding the right people will aid in reaching a strong ROI. We recommend BuzzSumo as a research tool however there are plenty to choose from including:

• BuzzStream
• NinjaOutreach
• Awario
• BuzzSumo
• Pitchbox

Next you need to carefully review your post, this is going to reflect on your brand. If your social media campaign is as intriguing as Fyre Festival’s was, then you won’t need to worry provided the product is great. Look at the post with fresh eyes, ask the opinion of your target audience. Does the post say what you wish to convey and encourage the target market to purchase your products?

In conclusion, influencer marketing is far from a dead dodo. Many businesses continue to be successful regardless of the new laws surrounding #ad. If you can carry it off then it becomes extremely profitable. Start with the upcoming influencers in your market, get to know them, speak with them and encourage their success. You never know. You may need their help one day.

FYRE fest

5 tips for generating leads through website design

When running a business on any scale, the biggest challenge is finding quality leads and ensuring the business is making money. Most people think that customers will just start to arrive once the website, social media and all other marketing has been put into place, however, this is not always the case.

When starting a business you will need to focus on your customer during the startup process. You need to visualise your customer’s journey, focus on the user experience (UX) and mold your website and marketing around the industry you aim to target.

We have 5 design tips which will aid in producing content your customers want to click on...

Focus on your user's needs (UX and customer journey

When the user experience is 10/10, the website will naturally begin to rank at the top of search engine results. A lot of businesses will focus their efforts on paid advertising which is a quick win however organic results come from those who revisit your website and engage with your content. Focus on UX and you will go far!

Provide educational content

If you want to be seen as a thought leader, you need your content to inspire people. If you copy the same rubbish that your competitors are posting then you will bore your leads. Use video content and imagary to catch the eye of your audience and then use the platform to produce great content.

Produce quality, not quantity

Take risks... be different

So, you are wondering whether to post a blog you have been working on as it could be deemed a little controversial. Well obviously there is a time, place and audience so you do have to consider all options. Ultimately your customers are people, you may use a weird hashtag or profanities and this could resonate with people and make the company have more of a human feel. Companies like Tesco and Iceland will use social media to almost insult their customers / competition but the target market enjoy the “silly” side of their responses.

Get the basics right, then work from there

Get all the basics in place, work on the content, the consistency of your posts on social media and your blog, the quality, the alt tags and ultimately the direction you want the business to go. Once you have all the ground work in place it should become easier to maintain a routine. Marketing is crucial but people sell to people so keep your image reputable and focus on the customer satisfaction.


The Importance of a Secure Site

Web users are generally being put off by seeing the message “not secure” which is attached to website without secure SSL hosting. Agency John Cabot has found this out after it surveyed 1,324 people in the UK. The survey found the flag affects both behaviour and brand perceptions.

Since 2014, Google has been using HTTPS as a ranking signal. But since July 2018, Google started marking HTTP sites in Chrome as “not secure”. However, the survey found that 47 percent of respondents “knew roughly what the warning meant.” An equivalent number (46 percent) said that they would not enter their names or financial information into a site that was not secure. And 64 percent of that group said they would leave the site “instantly.”

Other fears or concerns included:

Their device was exposed to a virus — 14 percent

They had arrived on a fake version of the intended site — 12 percent

The content was “unreliable and not fact-checked” — 9 percent

Being signed up for spam email — 8.4 percent

The survey also found many people feared that their search histories would be sold.

Brand perception affected. With some exceptions, brand perceptions were negatively impacted by the “not secure” warning. UK retailer John Lewis didn’t suffer as much negative sentiment as other known brands, suggesting that in a limited number of cases brand strength or loyalty can overcome the impact of the not secure warning.

But the attitudes and concerns above suggest conversions are being lost from exposure to the warning.

Why you should care. The results above imply that half of survey population was not as concerned about the warning. So one could take a “half empty, half full” view of the study. But that would be a mistake. The combination of HTTPS as a ranking factor and the adverse reactions of consumers to seeing the not secure warning create an imperative to adopt HTTPS encryption. There’s really no reason to not go HTTPS.

Search Engine Optimisation

SEO trends – How to rank in 2019

Whether you are starting a business or have been established for decades we all get that sinking feeling when our website suddenly stops ranking for keywords our business prides themselves on. With everything being digital and print advertising slowly becoming a dying form of marketing, the internet is now something in which all businesses wish to conquer.  

Google is no fool. The algorithm and knowledge which Google uses is far superior to that of a web developer and is fast becoming a giant game of chess. Google will make the first move, a developer will make their move and then Google will flip the chess board and start again… you get the idea.

If you are not ranking for keywords you once did then you may be using old SEO trends such as the Panda, Smoothieking, IceMan5, OldPossum or even the Porky Pig update. While all of these updates sound humorous and something to not take seriously, you would be making a fatal mistake by ignoring these changes in trending SEO.

Welcome the dawn of Google Hummingbird

Although Hummingbird has been in place since 2013 the SEO algorithm still remains similar to this even today.

What is Hummingbird?

“Unlike the previous Panda and Penguin  updates which were initially released as add-ons to Google’s existing algorithm, Hummingbird has been cited as a complete overhaul of the core algorithm. While it’s believed that many preexisting components of the core algorithm remained intact, Hummingbird signaled Google’s commitment to an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the intent of searchers’ queries with the goal of matching them to more relevant results.”

So, what is the future of SEO?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Google AMP is a website built with the consumer in mind. When you are developing your website you need to think about the size of your webpage in HTML format. Is your HTML lighter and easier to load? AMP pages load approximately 40 times faster than non-AMP pages and making a few changes to your website can not only change the whole experience for your users but also increase your Search Engine ranking position.

Responsive web designs (mobile friendly)

In this era of website development, if your website isn’t mobile friendly then you are losing 52.2% of potential visitors. “In 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones” (source)

In March 2018 Google announced that they are migrating all websites to a mobile friendly index. This will mean that the mobile friendly version is used for ranking and indexing your web pages, the statement is as follows:

“Today we’re announcing that after a year and a half of careful experimentation and testing, we’ve started migrating sites that follow the best practices for mobile-first indexing.”

This is then followed by:

“To recap, our crawling, indexing, and ranking systems have typically used the desktop version of a page’s content, which may cause issues for mobile searchers when that version is vastly different from the mobile version. Mobile-first indexing means that we’ll use the mobile version of the page for indexing and ranking, to better help our – primarily mobile – users find what they’re looking for.” (Source)

This makes mobile responsive websites extremely important for ranking!

Voice Search (SEO) in 2019

In the Hummingbird update, we have seen the end of stuffing keywords into articles and the introduction of voice technology. When implementing voice into your website you need understand the NLP or Natural Language Processing system. I won’t make you read the whole document but the main factors are laid out in this diagram below.

The 5 most important elements of a great website

Easy to Read Posts

If you are an “SEO Guru” from 2011 you will probably remember the days in which you could write long sentences and smash about 15 keywords into it. Sadly, this meta doesn’t exist anymore. When structuring your posts you need to focus on easy to read and top quality content. Paragraphs need to be kept to 4 or 5 sentences and should all support the same one focal point e.g. “Greggs vegan sausage roll”

This rule of thumb is mostly for those visiting on a mobile or tablet device where scrolling massive paragraphs simply isn’t feasible. 

So there we have it, your new SEO top tips. We wish you every success with your websites and hope to see you ranking at the top of your industry SERP. 

Get Trending with your Social Media

The Breakout of Social Media

Since the popular breakout of mobile phones, social media has become a huge part of a consumer’s life. Having access to the world’s literature and endless hours of entertainment at your fingertips, social media is the key to keeping up with trends, friends and the Kardashians.

With this social craze sweeping the world it is vital you advertise your business amongst the ideal customer persona you have created. But how do you target these people?

One online tool we at GetBranded use is hashtagify. A website which allows you to look into the most popular hashtags. Using this you can really optimise and shape your content to ensure it is visible to those interested in your business.

How does social media affect SEO?

A lot of people don’t realise the importance of social media when it comes to SEO. Social media provides a backlink to your website. Most social media platforms are considered reputable sources. This includes Facebook or YouTube and can be the difference between ranking higher than your competition.

Social media also provides regular content. If you link the content on your social media to your website then this will provide more backlinks. If traffic then flows through your social posts you will gain reputability.

In order to really spike your SEO ten fold you will need to increase the amount of traffic coming through your social media channels. How do you increase social traffic? You can read our new blog  7 easy steps to increase social traffic

Why use video content over regular content? Does it make a difference?

People aren’t as easily entertained by pictures, links and buttons. Your content needs to be informative, shiny, fresh and even animated. Video content and GIFs are a great way to engage with your audience. It catches their attention and keeps them watching your content for longer. Just think… how many times have you been in the office, maybe it’s a slow day, and you find yourself watching a 10-minute video on plastic in the ocean… yeah me neither.

82% of Twitter users watch video content. YouTube has over a billion users which equates to almost a 3rd of total internet users (source). I personally watch around 2 hours of YouTube daily. This includes tutorials, gaming videos and even random junk that’s recommended to me.

Every teenager these days is a YouTuber and the genius thing is, these people are gathering millions of subscribers. They are seen as advertisers or influencers. Read our guide to influencer marketing here.

  • 78% of people watch online videos every week. 55% view online videos every day. (HubSpot)
  • By 2020, online videos will make up more than 80% of all consumer internet traffic (85% in the US) (Cisco)
  • YouTube is the second most trafficked site, after Google. (Alexa)
  • One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. (Forrester Research)
  • Users view more than 500 million hours of video each day on YouTube. (Business Insider)
  • 55% of people pay close attention when consuming videos (HubSpot) – Source

Use icons responsibly, social icons are acceptable

With the huge growth of icons and with people identifying actions with these icons. Having social icons on your website can be great for building a social following. The consumers already engaging with your website are obviously warm leads. Having seen what you offer so getting them to engage with your social media should be easier than those who haven’t heard of you.

Use social icons on your website and link them to your social channels to see the difference you could make!

With tips on how to not abuse the amount of icons and distract from what you want consumers to see, visit here


The 5 most important elements of a great website

It’s undeniable that the marketing world moves

So quickly in fact that as soon as you think
you’re up to date with the latest and greatest channels and tool available,
it’s possible to lose sight of what enabled you to get this far.

What’s important is to position your
businesses brand where your ideal audience spend their time and having your
marketing team get creative with new channels, such as new social media
platforms, is imperative. C-suite market leaders must ensure they can see the
facts clearly through the fads and trends that come and go like the wind.
Through all these coming and going, one fact remains constant – your most valuable asset is your
customer facing website.

The 5 most important elements of a great

When a company spends all of its resources to
develop new channels at the expense of its website, viewers will notice. Any
responsible consumer will do their due diligence before buying a product or
signing up for a service, and that includes visiting your company’s website and
using it as an evaluation tool.

If a company spends all of its resources to
develop new channels, often at the expense of its website, their audience will
notice. A ‘street wise’ consumer will often visit a company’s website before making
a buying decision and will use your website as more of an evaluation tool
before taking the dive into becoming a customer or taking that journey to
become a customer.

If a customer was in a shopping centre and
they see a shop that is dirty, outdated and just a bit off putting, they will
most likely walk on by. In this way, any business website becomes an online
shop front – so make sure the design takes into account building trust and
winning over customers.

In order to bring your website bang up to date, and into the modern world of web – consider investing appropriately in the following areas. (We are assuming you’ve got that basics down).


Hosting is much more important, and often
skipped over. Page load times, downtime, security and much more can be greatly
improved by making sure you have the right hosting platform. According the
recent studies, speed is vital because a one second delay in loading can reduce
conversions by around 7%.

So out of 100 possible customers you could be
losing 7 purely down to the time it takes to load your website.

Not good.

Live Chat

If you’re after conversions, implement a live
chat feature. These tools can instantly answer a visitor’s question, and
move him or her further down the conversion funnel. Live chat
features also capture new leads in your CRM and create nurturing campaigns
that keep your business top of mind. An American Marketing
Association study reports that live chat software typically comes with more than a 300% ROI, and prospects who
take advantage of the feature are three times as likely to convert.

If the aim of your website is conversions,
which is most likely is, live chat can be a great addition to your arsenal. These
tools can often answer a visitors question very quickly and send them further
down the conversion funnel. Live chat also helps you to capture details for
your CRM or other nurturing campaigns to help keep your business forefront of

A recent study by a US
marketing association
reports that live chat typically generates
more than 300% return on investment and those who directly use the feature will
be around three times more likely to convert.

You can’t ignore the potential.

MarTech (Marketing Technology) Strategy

To fully utilise your website, it’s important
to understand how you use Marketing Technology. Any digital tool or addition
that can help you succeed in your digital marketing goal can be considered as
your MarTech Strategy. It’s important to not to drown in a sea of additional
tools, as you can quickly become a jack of all trade, but a master of none.
Pick those tools that work in synergy with your current systems and will reap
the best rewards. 


Measure, measure and measure some more. This
is probably the most important aspect of ensuring you have a great website.
Being able to measure the success of what you change or implement will
completely shape any future strategy. Without proper measurements, how can you
know if what you are doing is getting the expected results? Using reliable
tools to measure keys metrics will help you to define your customer journey and
ensure that you have complete visibility on what works and what doesn’t.


SEO, when done correctly, is a
fantastic way to increase awareness for your brand. Companies that can develop
a great SEO strategy and reach that first spot on page one will see
substantially more traffic to their website.

You may think ‘Well I’m on page two
that’s good enough, right?’


Being on page two practically makes
you invisible. Protofuse
have determined that there is a 90% drop off one the second page of Google. SEO
is a long burner, it take time to develop content, domain authority and the
1000 other ranking factors that are under the SEO umbrella, so expect long term

Thinking outside the box is great and
encouraged, but don’t let the new trends and fads make you lose sight of the
tried and tested methods that continue to get great results for those who have
mastered it. Your website is here to stay and will always be the best tool you
have to secure new customers in an ever evolving digital landscape.

You could try to master all of this
yourself and I’m sure you would have success. Or you could get someone else to
do it all for you and remove most of the hassle. Send us an email today or
message us on our live chat just down in the bottom right hand corner – we’d
love to chat.