When constructing the annual marketing plan in it is important to identify what is working currently with local and global trends and what is dated. With print becoming a thing of the past, how can you truly be sure that your marketing is budget isn’t being wasted on dead projects.
2019 is the year of all things digital
What is working in 2019?
Voice search marketing
So, what is working in 2019 thus far? Well we all know that voice search is becoming extremely common. Smart phones have the function to simply tap the microphone and start talking to Google. Businesses need to base their keywords on speech content rather than writing content. Consumers won’t speak the way they would write a paragraph. They may say “Derby FC kick off time” or “directions to Nottingham”. It wouldn’t be written “what is the best way to avoid traffic when heading to Nottingham”. That term is far too long and generally people keep their voice search terms short and direct.
Augmented reality - interactive experience
Augmented reality, almost a tech punch from the future which is hitting the industry right now. Consumers are now able to choose shoes by viewing them on their feet… through their camera lens! AR is used in gaming, retail, design and even architecture. Creating an app for your business that uses AR may not be appropriate currently but it’s definitely a way to stand out and something to consider in the future.
Content Marketing, the right way
Content marketing, we say this on near every blog. Content is key and will really shape your SEO and encourage quicker growth. When using your blog tools, you need to ensure the content you are writing is top quality. Use images, videos and internal links to create a spiderweb of content throughout your website. What do your audience want to read? Focus on key topics in the industry. Get your social media consistent, hashtags relevant and use targeted email campaigns to engage with your customers.
Influencers in 2019, utilising their reach
Influencer marketing, we have touched on this time and time again. Influencers in 2019 are becoming the biggest trend. The alteration in advertising law hasn’t stopped these Instagram promotions even with the #ad being present on all posts. Use BuzzSumo or similar to find key figures in your industry to really maximise the reach of your products.