With the birth of social media came a pool of people who used these platforms to build a big presence and following. During the buying process many people will look for testimonials from those they aspire to look like, be like or feel they are similar too. If an influencer you followed was in TOWIE you would trust their reviews of fake tan or teeth whitening kits because these reality stars are extremely focused on looks. YouTube sensation and influencer Zoella grew from the video platform when her lifestyle and beauty blog began to go viral. If she recommends a makeup brand, women all over the country will listen.
Influencers are responsible for 11x more ROI than banner ads...
What the law says
The legality surrounding influencer marketing has changed toward the end of 2018 with influencers now having to disclose whether a post has been encouraged financially by a business. In other words, if you offer an individual or individuals with a large following an amount of money to promote your product, they will have to clarify this in their description. As part of the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) you are now required to put #spon or #ad amongst your regular hashtags.
What you need to note as a marketeer or business!
Firstly, do you work with multiple influencers? If so, you should know that if a product has been ‘gifted’ and the influencer hasn’t had to pay for the item then they will need to disclose that with their following. This could make for a pretty awkward situation if one influencer has had to purchase your product and another hasn’t.
Are you starting from fresh? You should consider using influencer tools to identify key trend setters in your market. Your influencer needs to be relevant to the market you are targeting. Icons such as Katy Perry aren’t going to suit your gardening business so finding the right people will aid in reaching a strong ROI. We recommend BuzzSumo as a research tool however there are plenty to choose from including:
Next you need to carefully review your post, this is going to reflect on your brand. If your social media campaign is as intriguing as Fyre Festival’s was, then you won’t need to worry provided the product is great. Look at the post with fresh eyes, ask the opinion of your target audience. Does the post say what you wish to convey and encourage the target market to purchase your products?
In conclusion, influencer marketing is far from a dead dodo. Many businesses continue to be successful regardless of the new laws surrounding #ad. If you can carry it off then it becomes extremely profitable. Start with the upcoming influencers in your market, get to know them, speak with them and encourage their success. You never know. You may need their help one day.